The Course

Responsible Handling of Employee Data
In this concise training, you will learn about the specific data protection obligations for managers and how to handle sensitive data securely and confidentially.

Who is this course for?
All managing directors, department heads, team leaders, and those with HR responsibilities.

Team leader Klara has seen better days: Her employee Liz confides in her about struggling with depression, her colleague Ole is facing a potential warning, and, to top it all off, her colleague Moni has called in sick. This express course focuses on the specific data protection issues that managers might encounter in their daily routines.

Learning Objectives

  • Why should you, as a manager, be well-versed in data protection?
  • To what extent must you handle your employees' data confidentially?
  • How should you deal with sensitive information that employees voluntarily share with you?
  • What information can you share with other managers, and what must remain confidential?
  • What constitutes a confidential conversation in a personnel meeting?
  • What employee data can you document outside of the personnel file?
  • What are the rules for documenting when employees call in sick?

Course Contents

  • Special data protection responsibilities for managers
  • Duty of confidentiality concerning employee data
  • Sharing employee data with other managers and third parties
  • Confidentiality in personnel meetings
  • Documenting employee data outside of the personnel file
  • Prohibition of shadow files
  • Handling sick leave notifications
Handling employee data remains one of the most sensitive areas within an organisation. Specialised training for the relevant colleagues is therefore essential. This eLearning course provides a practical and comprehensible overview of the key topics in this field.

Jennifer Jähn-Nguyen
Fully qualified lawyer | Authorised signatory | Location manager Hamburg

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  • Didactically prepared for maximum learning success 
  • Learn at your own pace – the system reminds you to keep going
  • Also practical as a refresher at regular intervals

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