The Course

Responding Quickly to Data Breaches – How to Act Correctly!
In this concise short training, you will learn how to identify a data breach, understand reporting obligations, and discover why swift action is crucial.

Who is this course for?
All employees who have access to personal data.

During communication with candidates for an open position, HR specialist Jenny makes an unfortunate mistake. In this quick refresher course, you'll learn what to do when the unexpected happens: a data breach.

Learning Objectives

  • What characterises a data breach?
  • What reporting obligations exist regarding supervisory authorities and affected individuals in connection with a data breach?
  • Why is prompt notification to relevant individuals within the company important in the event of a data breach?

Course Contents

  • What is a data breach?
  • Reporting obligations to supervisory authorities and affected individuals
  • Reporting deadlines • Prompt notification to relevant individuals within the company
A truly well-rounded refresher on one of the most important processes in data protection law. Concise and to the point. The practical examples and integrated exercises ensure that the content sticks!

Jennifer Jähn-Nguyen
Fully qualified lawyer | Authorised signatory | Location manager Hamburg

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The advantages of our eLearning courses

  • All courses are independent of each other – you can start with any course on any topic 
  • Content that sticks in your head – storytelling brings content closer to you 
  • Didactically prepared for maximum learning success 
  • Learn at your own pace – the system reminds you to keep going
  • Also practical as a refresher at regular intervals

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Exciting content

Learning should be fun and people learn better with the support of images, engaging stories and interactive elements. This is exactly what makes our eLearning courses stand out. The result: high and long-lasting retention of course material.

Smarte Lernplattform

Smart learning platform

Easily tailor your training offer to individual or departmental needs. Use our innovative system to offer eLearning courses and content to the people who will benefit from it the most. Icon with a training certification symbol, in a gradient from dark to light blue.

Sicherer Schulungsnachweis

Secure proof of training

Easily prove and document that you have met your training requirements with the automatically generated training certificates and status reports on our learning platform.

Rolling out the courses

LMS included in the course price

We have developed a smart Learning Management System (LMS) for our eLearning courses, which we have customised to the needs of our customers. As a coordinator, you can use it to easily manage eLearnings, employees and training certificates. And best of all, our LMS is included in the course price! If you still want to use a different LMS, we can provide you with the courses for easy import in SCORM format.


All functions in a secure system

All functions in a secure system