eLearning Fundamentals – What is eLearning?

Welcome to the era of digital learning, where chalkboards, overhead projectors, and frontal teaching are a thing of the past! Whether you've just hopped on the eLearning train or have been riding along for a while – we're glad to have you on board as we embark on our little journey through the "eLearning Fundamentals".
In the first section of this series of articles, we'll explore what lies behind the mysterious term "eLearning". Are you ready? Then mind the platform edge, our train is departing!

First Stop: Terminology Town

eLearning, E-Learning, electronic learning, or digital learning – all refer to "electronic learning" and encompass the overarching terms for all forms of learning where knowledge is conveyed and learning processes are supported through digital media. In a way, Teacher Lämpel has somewhat retired his pipe and cane and traded them for computers, tablets, and smartphones.
eLearning is often equated with Web-Based Training (WBT), which is not entirely accurate. While WBTs are eLearnings, not all eLearnings are WBTs. The central feature of WBTs is that learning content is provided over the internet. Otherwise, it's just one of many possible forms of eLearning. Other approaches include Blended Learning (a combination of face-to-face training and WBT), Computer-based Training (learning with the help of software and apps), virtual learning (learning with VR glasses in virtual space), and webinars (online seminars). There are often significant overlaps between these approaches. Mixing different forms is common in the world of education.

Second Stop: Benefitsville

There are numerous advantages that set eLearning apart from traditional forms of learning. Here are the most important ones, briefly mentioned:

With eLearning, you can tailor your learning journey to your own rules. Whether you're on the subway or comfortably at home: as long as you have a device and access, the learning content is available to you. Your learning space, your rules!

Modern eLearnings are like personalised learning assistants. Thanks to algorithms and artificial intelligence, content and tasks can be quickly tailored to your needs. This allows you to learn more efficiently, as you get exactly what you need.

Learning becomes fun here! With eLearning, you can actively engage in the learning process through simulations, quizzes, and multimedia content. This not only keeps boredom at bay but also adapts to different learning styles.

Measurability and Documentation:
With eLearning, it's easy to prove that you've participated in a training session. Learning Management Systems (LMS) help you provide feedback, document your progress, and remind you in time for the next learning session.

Third Stop: Best Practices Town

eLearning is a versatile tool in the world of education and is used in various scenarios today:

Professional Up- or Reskilling:
Companies use eLearning to train their employees in various areas such as data protection, information security, compliance, or occupational safety.

Higher Education:
Universities and colleges also offer more and more online courses so that students can learn more flexibly.

eLearning is becoming increasingly important in schools, whether as a supplement to traditional frontal teaching or as fully online courses.

Personal Development:
Individuals are increasingly using eLearning to acquire new skills, deepen their interests, or obtain certifications.

Last Stop: Conclusion Castle

eLearning has not only revolutionised the educational landscape but also elevated corporate training to a new level. Employees now have the opportunity to further their education in an exciting way without having to be at a specific time and place. Thanks to the unique features of eLearning, the way we learn could change forever.
Stay tuned for our next post in the "eLearning Fundamentals" series!